During the season we meet every Monday evening in our clubhouse, where we have a varied programme of speakers, competition and events for the season. Click here to see the draft syllabus.
We also meet informally on Wednesday evenings, where the emphasis is on learning and practising photography skills.

Coming up
The 2023/24 season ended on Monday 29th April with the Annual General Meeting and awards presentations, which was a very successful night.
Monday 2nd September - 7.30pm
The opening night of the new season. This year, the usual Summer Portfolio has been merged with the Stewart Bell Trophy competition, so we'll be passing our own judgement on the best photos we've taken over the summer break.
We have regular Wednesday evening get-togethers, either in the club or out and about. During the summer break period these will be on Monday nights. They often feature some learning experience. These are co-ordinated through our Facebook and WhatsApp groups.
The Tea Duty / Vote of Thanks rota (will be linked from here)
Anyone who's interested in joining the club is welcome to come along for an evening.
Our weekly raffle will be running. As this is our main fundraiser for the club we would appreciate our members support, tickets are priced at £1 each. Tea and coffee will be served at the break and costs £1.
We look forward to welcoming you all to the meetings.
You can catch up with what we've been up to recently, and over the previous summer recess, in our blog pages.

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