Continuing from the blog page describing what we got up to during the 23/24 season, which is here.
23 July 24
Outings over the last few weeks have included trips to Campsie Glen, Flanders Moss and Pollok Park. A few members went to an East Kilbride Pirates American football game too.
28 June 24
We had two club outings on one Monday this week. In the morning a group went to Amazonia at Strathclyde Park where there was the chance to get up close and personal with a number of exotic beasties. The evening outing was to the Pinkston Water Sports complex in Glasgow to catch the action from the canoeists.
21 June 24
We had activities on Sunday and Monday last week. Sunday morning's outing was to Strathblane Falconry, where a dozen of us were trying for action shots of the birds of prey there, with mixed success. Then on Monday evening we had a big turn out, 22 members and prospective members gathered for a wander around the Necropolis on a fine evening.
11 June 24
We've had a busy start to the summer break, with Monday evening outings most weeks. To date we've been to Cumbernauld House, Drumpellier Park and Mugdock, with a good turn-out each time. The latest evening was at Glasgow University, where we were sharing space with BBC's Springwatch Live.

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