Kirkintilloch Camera Club was founded in 1951. In the beginning, nine enthusiasts came together to form the club, based in Turners Garage, and their numbers swelled to twenty six when the first formal meeting was held. The membership fee for that first year was 10 shillings!
The clubrooms in Eastside were purchased as a derelict property for the nominal sum of £1 in 1964. It took five years of hard work by members to make it useable and become the Turner House we have today.
Those of you who are keeping count will realise that our 75th anniversary is coming up in 2026. We'll be building up towards some events to mark the occasion.
A history of the club, written by Tom Donahue for the 40th anniversary, was updated by Ian Philip and produced as a booklet to mark the club's 50th anniversary. 
Click on the image on the right to read the story of the club up to 2001.
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