Membership fees for a season, which runs from September to April, are payable by 1st October each year.
Any prospective new members are welcome to attend a couple of meetings before they decide if they want to join and pay their fees.
If you are a new member to the club, please provide the following information in your e-mail :-
Tel / Mob no
How did you find out about the club?
Are there any specific reasons for joining/subjects you wish to learn about?

At our latest AGM it was agreed that there would be no increase in the annual subscription fees for the forthcoming season, and they remain:
Full Membership  - £70
60+ or unwaged Membership £60
Junior Membership (20 & below) £20
Joint Membership 50% discount for second party, must be living at same address
Please remember, subscriptions can now be paid by bank transfer, and we would ask all members if possible to pay by bank transfer. Bank account details RBS Sort code 83-07-06, account number 19624326, account name Kirkintilloch Camera Club, please don’t forgot to include your name as a reference.
**IMPORTANT* Once you have made your payment, please e-mail both the Treasurer - Henry McEwen and Secretary - Lynne Watson to ensure club records are maintained. Please also mention if you have changed either your home or e-mail address.
All fees must be paid before 1st October. As the club is a registered charity, we can claim Gift Aid on the cost of the annual subscriptions. The only requirement is that you are a UK tax payer, so if you haven’t already completed a form please can you obtain a form from Henry our Treasurer and return to him once completed.
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