This guide was updated during the summer of 2024.
A PDF copy of it can be downloaded here.
About the Club
Kirkintilloch Camera Club (the Club) was first formed in 1951. The Club is linked to the Photographic
Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) through the Scottish Photographic Federation (SPF) and is a member of the Glasgow District Photographic Union (GDPU). The Club became a Registered Charity in 2016 and is governed by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
The Club has its own clubrooms at 34-36 Eastside, Kirkintilloch, G66 1QH. Members are responsible for the upkeep of the premises.
As well as running our own internal competitions, we regularly take part in external competitions run by the SPF and GDPU and compete annually in separate ‘local derbies’ with our near neighbouring clubs. In addition, we try to display a selection of members’ prints each summer within both Bishopbriggs and Kirkintilloch Libraries.
Constitution and Governance
The business of the club is conducted by a Committee consisting of a President, a Secretary and a
Treasurer with a minimum number of 6 committee members in total. The Committee is elected at
the Annual General Meeting of Members held at the end of each season. The Constitution and Rules are held within the Club’s website.
Constitution and Rules
Funding and Subscriptions
The club is principally funded by annual subscription at a rate set by members at the AGM. Payment of the subscription is due at the start of each new season. Potential new members are welcome to attend a few meetings free of charge whilst deciding whether or not to join the club. Club funds are supplemented by donations, raffles and a voluntary collection to meet the cost of tea and coffee on club nights.
The club meets at 7.30pm each Monday night from September through to April, with the exception of Christmas and New Year holidays, and aims to finish around 9.30pm. A typical evening will start with an update on current Club business followed by the scheduled event for that evening (see Syllabus). The Club attracts a wide range of interesting speakers catering for a variety of interests and levels of expertise. Prints and digital images can be displayed with ease and most evenings include the opportunity to speak to our guests informally over a cup of tea as well as a more formal Question and Answer Session.
Tea and coffee making facilities are available on Club nights with members sharing duties on a rota basis. The rota will be compiled annually by the Club Secretary. It is the members responsibility to arrange a swap should with another member if they become unable to be present on their designated night.
The Club’s Syllabus Secretary will compile the annual programme of events and members can review this via the web-site. Typically, this will consist of a range of external speakers, competition judging nights, some out and about opportunities and internal Club member presentations.
Internal Club Competitions
Each year features monthly league and various annual competitions, the Stewart Bell Trophy is an internal competition judged by the members. The club has an Internal Competitions Secretary who will liaise with the external judge and is available to advise members.
Members are encouraged to submit entries for Competitions which are held from October to March. Entering the competition not only provides the opportunity to receive feedback on members’ own photography but also provides material for the club to enter external competitions and to stage its annual exhibition.
There are two sections for the League competitions – an A and a B Section.
Section A - Generally, more experienced photographers
Section B - Less experienced photographers.
All Annual Competitions will be one section
Methods of Promotion
Promotion from Section B to Section A is decided on the basis of performance in the four Monthly DPI & B Print League Competitions only. The annual winners of both the B Section DPI and the B Print League competitions will gain promotion to the A Section for the following season. In the event that we have joint winners, of either the DPI and or the B Print, then both winners will be promoted.
Group allocation for new members
Any new member unsure of which section to enter, and who has been a member or dual member of another camera club, should inform the competition secretary of their promotion state in their other club. If, for example, they are already in the "A", or equivalent, competition grouping, then they can be allocated to the "A" group.
Where the above conditions do not apply to a new member, they would automatically be placed in the "B" group. If they wish to be reconsidered for placement in the "A" group we have the following rule in place:
"Any new members unsure of which Section to enter should provide a selection of their portfolio for consideration by the Committee and/or members experienced as SPF judges, who would then decide upon the most appropriate Section."

Competition Judging
The Club invites an independent person to judge all of its competitions and those with other clubs. External bodies will similarly appoint independent judges for their competitions. All judges are drawn from approved SPF and GDPU lists. Both the SPF and GDPU organise training courses for Judges.
Internal – Monthly Categories
There are two categories, all of which are judged and scored separately. Members can enter any or all of the categories. The categories and numbers of entries for each monthly competition are as follows;
Monthly Competitions (League) (4 Rounds)
Open Print (any subject, mono and or colour) 2 prints (A Section and B Section)
Open DPI (Digital Projected Image) (any subject, mono and or colour) 2 images (A Section and B
Prints and PDIs entered to the season's Monthly competitions may be entered in any of the Annual
Annual Competitions
Annual Mono Competition - 2 Prints and or 2 Digital images (one section)
Annual DPI Competition - 4 Images (one section)
Annual Print Competition - 4 Images (one section)
Annual Themed Print Competition - 4 Images with a theme (one section)
Stewart Bell Trophy - 2 DPI images (one section) (this replaces the Summer Portfolio and will be held the first evening of the season). Only images taken from the close of last season shall be valid for entry, ie must be new images.
Print and DPI entries will be marked out of 20 and will be commented on by the Judge on Competition Night. The marks for each category will be totalled and the total score will identify the monthly winner for each category.
The scores will be totalled for the four monthly competitions and the competitor with the highest score will win the 'A' section or 'B' section for each respective League.
In Summary
Competitions - Entry requirements - Sections
Stewart Bell  -  2 Digital Images  -  One section
Annual Mono Competition  -  2 Prints & 2 Digital  -  One Section
Monthly League Competition  -  2 Prints &/or 2 Digital  -  Two sections A & B
Annual Print  -  4 Prints -  One Section
Annual Themed Panel  -  4 Prints with a Theme  -  One Section
Annual DPI  -  4 DPI’s  -  One Section
General Rules and Guidance
- Whether for DPI or Print, members are advised to ensure that their monitors are properly calibrated using one of the many devices commercially available.
 - For print competitions, members can either use a home printer, club printer or have their work commercially printed. Prints are displayed to their best effect when mounted and when a good quality paper is used.
- Members are kindly asked to retain any original raw files of any images entered into competitions, as they may be requested by the club at any time.
Note the following;-
- Previous Seasons’ entries will not be eligible for the current season. Images entered to a monthly competition should not be re-entered to a subsequent monthly competition even if they can be fairly viewed as “substantially altered”.
- In the current season, images from the monthly and Stewart/Bell competitions may be entered into the annual competitions. Alterations to those images are acceptable.
- All prints regardless of size must be mounted only on 50cm x 40 cm mount boards.
- Digital Images should be re-sized to 1600px by 1200px in landscape format or 1200px height for portrait format – the width will sort itself out. Please do not submit images larger than this. It is recommended that you use the sRGB profile. Images should be in jpeg format and uploaded using the photo entry system before the closing date.
- All Prints entered should be titled, and a jpeg file uploaded onto the photo entry system. The Member’s name should not be shown on the Print or Digital Image. Members are asked to submit their entries in an appropriate bag or cover with their name on it.
Competitions Entry requirements Sections
While the Club will make every effort to ensure the safekeeping of prints submitted for competitions
or exhibitions the Club can accept no liability for any loss or damage.
Members have access to the club’s printer for a small fee. They can bring their own laptops or use the clubs laptop to allow them to print. All fees for images to be paid directly into the club bank account with the members name as reference.
Annual Entry Rules and Guidance
All Annual Competitions will be just one section. The members with the highest total score for each category in each section will be the winners except the “Themed Panel” where the 4 Prints are assessed as ‘one’.
Same rules as to size of mounts/boards i.e. ( 50cmx40cm) and DPI resolution (max 1600x1200px) apply.
Previous Seasons’ entries will not be eligible for the current season.
Mono Competition
The Mono Competition is an Annual Competition. It consists of one section, members can enter two prints and or two digital images. The combined score of the Prints and DPI’s will be used to select the overall winner. Members are encouraged to enter both sections. Members may be requested by the selection committee to print a mono image for use in external competitions.
Stewart/Bell Trophy
This is a digital image competition judged by the membership of the club with a single open section -no A or B division. This will be held at the start of the season to allow members to re enter images throughout the current season.
The entry will comprise of 2 digital images in the usual format neither of which can have been used in a previous club competition. i.e. new images. They can be colour or monochrome.
The images will be circulated to the membership with a score sheet prior to the competition date, asking for each member to pick their top 3 images.
The scores will be collated and the winner announced on the competition night.
Annual Certificates and Trophies
The winners for each category and each section will receive a Club certificate. At the Club's end of season AGM the winners will receive the relevant trophy for each competition, currently as follows;-

- A Section:
Coronation Cup - A Section Prints
Blair Plate - A Section DPI
- B Section
Kirkintilloch Trophy -  B Section Prints
Beginner Trophy - B Section DPI
- Annual Competitions
Presidents Trophy - Monochrome Competition
Kilsyth Cup - Open Print Annual Competition
Turner Cup - Best Print Annual Competition
Caurnie Cup - Annual DPI Competition
Henderson Quaich - Annual Best Projected image
Andy Grainger Trophy - Annual Print Panel Theme
Stewart Bell Trophy - Best Projected Image
External Competitions
The Club appoints an External Competitions Secretary who will liaise with external bodies and is available to advise Members.
The Club aims to take part in a number of external events annually. A Selection Committee, comprising of the External Competition Secretary and 2 club members, choose the Club's entries from images previously entered into the Club's internal competitions. The selection committee will be appointed by the main committee and made known to the members. This is why it is very important that members take part in Internal Competitions, both to gain experience and to increase the range of images available to the Selection Committee.

Scottish Photographic Federation
The Scottish Photographic Federation (SPF) runs several competitions throughout the year and camera clubs throughout Scotland participate. The Club will try to submit an entry to SPF Competitions where practical. Entries will normally be drawn from the previous year's Club Competitions. The cost of entry is met from Club funds.
Scottish Photographic Federation
Note that Members are free to submit individual entries to certain SPF competitions, which must be submitted through the External Competition Secretary. In such cases, the cost of entry must be met by the individual Member.
Glasgow District Photographic Union
The Glasgow District Photographic Union (GDPU) consists of those clubs located more or less in the West of Scotland and holds Competitions such as the DPI Competition. Clubs are organised in mini groups/leagues.
Glasgow District Photographic Union
Local Club Competitions
There are local arrangements whereby the Club competes annually with Airdrie & Coatbridge,
usually in January, with Stirling & Falkirk mid-March (Williamson Trophy) and Milngavie & Bearsden in April. The Competitions cover both Prints and DPIs.
SPF North Central Area — "5 Way Competition"
Held mid-November in rotation between — Kirkintilloch, Stirling, Falkirk, Cumbernauld & Kilsyth and Airdrie & Coatbridge. Entry is 5 Prints (either Mono or Colour) and 5 DPIs. A Maximum of 2 pieces of work from the same author is allowed in each section.
SPF Annual DPI
Around November the SPF run a competition for clubs in DPIs.
SPF Annual Print
In January/February the SPF have their major Print Competition in Scotland covering both Colour and Monochrome Prints. Kirkintilloch usually enters up to around 50 prints, if available, and the top scoring 10 prints in Colour and the top scoring 10 Prints in Monochrome are added together to give a Club score and ranking.
SPF Annual Portfolio
In May/June the SPF organise the Print and DPI Portfolio Competition covering both Colour and Monochrome Prints and DPI's. The Club entry consists of 4 Colour, 4 Monochrome Prints and 6 DPI's.
Individual Member entries are accepted via the camera clubs. The top images are accepted for the Portfolio which is copied on CD and made available to the Clubs who enter. The top scoring entries go forward to National Competitions (i.e. UK wide PAGB competitions).
GDPU John Duffy
The GDPU runs a competition known as the John Duffy Portfolio and Clubs submit 4 Prints which are judged and the top 50 comprise the Portfolio and are exhibited in GDPU affiliated Camera Clubs.
GDPU Portfolio Competition
This is held at the beginning of the season and is open to entry from affiliated clubs. Successful entries will be made available online to allow clubs to show these at any suitable time throughout the season. There is no fee for participation.
The competition consists of 3 categories – colour, monochrome and nature. Each club can submit 4 DPIs per category with no more than 1 image per author per category i.e. the same author can enter no more than 1 image in each of the 3 categories.
Club Media
Members are encouraged to make full use of this web-site as it is a valuable resource.
Kirkintilloch Camera Club SCIO
Our Facebook page where members can submit images and comments on anything of photographic interest. KCC Facebook page
While each member's images remain their property and copyright, we will assume images entered into our competitions, or taken at club outings/events and posted on social media, can be reused on the club website or social media accounts to help publicise the club. Members can request that their images are not included in this.
KCC Outings
Our What’s App group where details of any outings are posted.
Our Twitter account for general photography tweets or re-tweets.

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