Those who attended the 2024 AGM will know that our membership fees remain unchanged from last season. Therefore, the rates for the season 2034-2025 are as follows:-
Junior Member (up to 20) £20
Ordinary Member (21-59) £70
Concession (60+ or unwaged) £60
Joint members (living at same address) 50% discount for the second party
Members from any category joining after 1st Jan will receive a 50% discount.
Annual subscriptions are payable by 1st October. Members are requested to pay their subscriptions via Internet Banking / Faster Payment. The club's account details are as follows-
Sort Code 83-07-06 RBS, Gordon St, Glasgow
Account No 19624326
Name - Kirkintilloch Camera Club
Reference- Your Name
**IMPORTANT* Once you have made your payment, please e-mail both the Treasurer - Henry McEwen and Secretary - Lynne Watson to ensure club records are maintained. Please also mention if you have changed either your home or e-mail address.
N.B. If you are a new member to the club, please provide the following information in your e-mail ;-
Tel / Mob no
How did you find out about the club?
Are there any specific reasons for joining/subjects you wish to learn about?
A copy of the Syllabus for the forthcoming season can be collected at any of the evening meetings within the clubhouse. Alternatively, a soft-copy of the Syllabus is available on this website

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