The dates for our internal competitions in the 2024-25 season are below.
Images used in earlier year's competitions can't be re-used in the current year.
Prints should be in mounts of around 50x40cm.
All entries must be submitted through the PhotoEntry system.

If you're unsure, read the guidelines
The 2024-25 internal competition calendar:
The Stewart Bell Trophy – 2 digital images - hand-in  August, results night 2nd September.
This year, the Stewart Bell has been merged with the Summer Portfolio. Enter two digital images which have been taken since the last meeting on 29th April. The results will be voted on by the membership and we'll present the scores on the opening night of the season.
Images used in this competition can be reused in monthly or annual competitions this year.
Mono Competition – 2 prints and 2 digital images - hand-in by 16th September, judging night 7th October.
All images in Mono. Members can choose to enter just prints or projected images, but the winner will have the highest total score over four images.

Monthly League – 2 digital (colour or mono) images, 2 open (colour or mono) prints -

As usual, there will be four rounds of this competition for both digital and print categories and A & B levels. Winners of B categories will be eligible for promotion to the A section.
1st month: hand-in by 14
th October, judging on 4th November
2nd month: hand-in by 11
th November, judging on 2nd December
3rd month: hand-in by 16
th December, judging on 13th January
4th month: hand-in by (changed to) 6
th January, judging on 3rd February

For the following annual competitions, images which have been entered in competitions earlier in the season can be reused.
Annual Themed Panel 4 prints linked by theme - hand-in date 27th January, judging night 24th February.
Annual Print Competition – 4 prints - hand-in date 10th February, judging night 3rd March.
Annual Digital Projected Images  - 4 open digital images - hand-in date 24th March, judging night 21st April.

hand out the trophies at the prize giving on 28th April.
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