updated July 2024
General Guidance/Rules
Members wishing to enter images for a competition must do so using the online Photo Entry system. Log in details have been issued to all members. This will be the only method to enter our club competitions.
Print entries also require a JPEG to be uploaded onto the Photo Entry system for each competition.
Details of how to use photo entry are here.

Digital Images should be resized 1600x1200 px for landscape format and a maximum height of 1200 for portrait format, images larger than this will not be accepted by our PhotoEntry system. It is recommended you use sRGB/greyscale profile and be of JPEG format.
The members names should not appear on any images, this includes JPEG and Prints.
All prints must be mounted on board sized 50cmx40cm.
Prints should be handed in prior to the closing date, they should be clearly labelled with the title only.
Please ensure all prints are submitted in an appropriate bag with your name on it and the entry form inside.
Previous Season’s entries are not eligible for any subsequent seasons.
Images entered for the Summer Portfolio and Stewart/Bell Trophy may be entered into any monthly or annual competition only during the current season.
Prints or JPEGs entered into Annual Competitions are ineligible to be entered into any future competitions
Images and or prints, entered into the mono or monthly competitions CANNOT be re-entered to subsequent monthly competitions, even if they have been “substantially altered”. However, they can be entered into the annual competitions.
Members entering Club competitions are giving permission for the club to use their images in external competitions on behalf of the club.

Use of Software
Please note the following update on use of software, members are asked to read and follow these rules, failure to do so may result in your images being rejected from the club and outside competitions.
The SPF and PAGB rules currently require that all entries to their competitions comply with the
following statement –
“Images entered must be entirely the work of the photographer. Composite Images are permitted provided all component images meet this requirement. For the avoidance of doubt, use of images from any source including, but not limited to, royalty free image banks, textures and clipart are not permitted.”
“The use of AI software is allowed provided all images used have been taken by you, and only your own photographs are used in the processing. No modifications are allowed based on AI generated text input or generated using images or elements not taken by the photographer.” “RAW files or jpegs (incl. neighbouring jpegs) may be requested if there is any doubt of the eligibility of the entry.”
In simple terms, every element of your image must have been taken by you. If the club suspect an image has been generated by AI, they may ask the entrant to submit the original raw image/s for clarification. Please note this rule also covers sky replacement, any sky replacement used, should have been taken by yourself and not have been provided by, for example, Photoshop.
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