18th August 2024
Dear Member
I enclose a copy of the syllabus for the forthcoming season, which commences on Monday 2nd September. 
Our first night back will be an informal social night, in which we will review last year’s activities, update everyone with any developments that have happened over the summer break and also welcome any new members to the club. We will also include our Stewart Bell Trophy, members are asked to submit two new digital images (must have been taken since the end of April) onto Photo Entry before the closing date. Voting will take place prior to the opening night. Members can say a few words about their images before we reveal this year's winner of the Stewart Bell Trophy. Please see website for correct sizing information.
As per our AGM in April, there is a no increase in the annual subscription fees for the forthcoming season, and will be as follows:
Full Membership £70
60+ or unwaged Membership £60
Junior Membership (20 & below) £20
Joint Membership 50% discount for second party, must be living at same address
Please remember, subscriptions can now be paid by bank transfer, and we would ask all members if possible to pay by bank transfer. Bank account details RBS Sort code 83-07-06, Account number 19624326, Account name; Kirkintilloch Camera Club, please don’t forgot to include your name as a reference. All fees must be paid before 1st October. As the club is a registered
charity we can claim Gift Aid on the cost of the annual subscriptions. The only requirement is that you are a UK tax payer, so if you haven’t already completed a form please can you obtain a form from Henry our Treasurer and return to him once completed.

Our weekly raffle will be returning, as this is our main fundraiser for the club we would appreciate our members support, tickets are priced at £1 each. Tea and coffee will be served at the break and costs £1.
We look forward to welcoming you all back to the club on 2nd September.
Yours sincerely
Lynne Watson

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