The Stewart Bell Memorial Trophy is an annual competition held within the club.
It's held in memory of Dugald Bell and Jack Stewart who were both long-standing members of the club and who sadly passed away late 2019 and 2020. Prior to Dugald's ill health, he regularly entered club competitions. Jack was 90 and still took the time each month to enter prints, so as a fitting tribute to both these members we devised this fun competition for all the members to take part in.
The top 2023 photos are displayed below. The full entry is here:
Competition Instructions
The Stewart Bell Memorial Trophy is an annual competition held within the club.
It's held in memory of Dugald Bell and Jack Stewart who were both long-standing members of the club and who sadly passed away late 2019 and 2020. Prior to Dugald's ill health, he regularly entered club competitions. Jack was 90 and still took the time each month to enter prints, so as a fitting tribute to both these members we devised this fun competition for all the members to take part in.
It's a digital image competition which is judged by the membership of the club. All club members are encouraged to enter, even if they don't regularly compete. There's just one single open section, so there's no A or B division.
The entry will comprise of 2 digital images in the usual format, neither of which can have been used in a previous club competition. i.e. new images. They can be colour or monochrome.
The images will be circulated to the membership with a scoresheet prior to the competition date, asking for each member to pick their top 3 images.
The scores will be collated and the winner announced on the competition night.